Total poeng |
Grønne poeng |
Rosa |
Brown |
Hvite poeng |
Do you have below 20 points:
Your answers indicate that you most likely don´t have an eating
disorder. Or at least it's not very serious. But the things you
have given points to, can of course be problematic enough in
Are the things you have given points to, something that is a priority
for you to do something about?
What does it take to fix it?
Do you have other problems that are bigger?
What are they?
What can you do about them?
Who can help you move forward?
What will happen if you do nothing about those problems?
Have you perhaps been in a worse place with food before and have
partly solved the problems?
What is difficult for you now?
What you need to do to solve the rest of it?
Now let's look at how many points you have in each color.
Do you have mostly green points?
The green points are about physical reactions in the body. It can be
blood sugar, digestive stress hormones, satiety hormones, reward
hormones, insulin resistance, emergency mode, etc. If you have a lot of
green points, there is probably something physically affecting your
eating. You can test some of these with your doctor. Do you have someone
who has enough knowledge about this to be able to help you get your body
in balance and make it work WITH you and not against you?
Do you have mostly brown points?
The brown points are about conditioning/ conditioned reactions/
habits. This is like Pavlov's dogs, if you know them. That means
that we associate certain situations or experiences with eating, and
that it sort of goes on autopilot. The neurons in our brain are
connected. So when the experiences associated with eating happen, a
signal is sent to the next neuron that now we are going to eat. This
conditioning is relatively easy to reverse, if you do not have something
physical or mental going on at the same time. If so, it is important to
solve those issues first. Do you have someone who can help you with that
(who knows how), if you don´t know how to solve this
Do you have mostly pink points?
The pink points are about thoughts and emotions. Most people have many
points here, but not all. Here we are talking about feelings, mindset
and old "programming" we have dragged with us through a
lifetime. Some people also suffer from trauma, anxiety or depression.
These things often affect our urge to eat. For most people, the heaviest
bit is not what happened a long time ago, but what we keep repeating in
our heads every single day. This is where the thought patterns come in.
When we “reprogram” our thought pattern, our emotions
change. Then a large part of the pain goes away. The part that is left
and that is related to the past, is possible to work through in a
relatively short time, if you know how. Do you have a plan on how to
solve this? If not, I recommend making one. And to find a coach or a
mentor that can help you.
If you have many points in several categories, then all those
categories will be areas that you should work on. The category where
you have the most points, will be where you will find your biggest
Do you have mostly white points?
White points are things that indicate an eating disorder, but can be
due to both physical, mental and habitual things. They should not be
included in the color chart.
The reason why the white points are not included in the chart below is
because they can mean something that is from all three categories. But
they are still important, because they give a strong indication of
whether you have an eating disorder or not.
If you have questions about your results, or would like to know more
about what is needed to solve your problems, you are welcome to contact
us at